
JAKARTA – The use of Renewable Diesel (RD) as a green fuel for the Generator Set (Genset) for Electric Vehicles (EV) used by world car racers competing in the Ancol International Jakarta E-Prix 2022, on June 4, 2022, is called environment friendly.

"Hopefully this will be a good example in supporting the government's program to create clean and environmentally friendly energy," said the President Director of PT Pertamina International Refinery (PT KPI), Taufik Adityawarman, in an official statement, Wednesday 1 June.

The Pertamina RD product has received ISCC certification. ISCC is one of the largest organizations that regulate sustainable carbon certification and applies globally. ISCC's sustainable carbon certification was initiated by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) policies implemented in the European Union.

Outside the European Union, other countries have adopted ISCC standardization including PT KPI in Indonesia.

Pertamina RD which is the latest product from biofuel, HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), is prepared to support the Jakarta E-Prix 2021. Pertamina RD is an environmentally friendly product processed from BioRefinery Cilacap so that it can produce Green Diesel Products with a capacity of 3000 barrels per day from vegetable raw materials.

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