JAKARTA - Dental conservation specialist drg. Irfan Dwiandhono, Sp.KG., M.Biomed reminded Hajj candidates to check their teeth at the nearest health facility to anticipate the emergence of pain during worship in the Holy Land.
"Before leaving for the Holy Land, Hajj candidates need to have their teeth and mouth checked," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, as reported by Antara, Monday, May 30.
He added that an examination is needed so that if there are problematic teeth, treatment can be immediately carried out. "For example, if there are cavities, then filling or filling can be done. If there are dead teeth or swollen gums, root canal treatment can be done," he said.
By checking with the dentist before leaving for the Holy Land, he said, it is hoped that he can anticipate toothache during the pilgrimage.
"In addition, with a thorough examination, if there is dental and oral disease, it can be detected as early as possible and treatment can be carried out immediately," he said.
The Director of the General Sudirman University (Unsoed) Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) added that to prevent bad breath during worship trips, each individual needs to brush their teeth regularly.
"In addition, you can use mouthwash that contains antiseptic. And limit the consumption of foods that trigger bad breath such as petai and jengkol," he said.
He added that brushing teeth properly and correctly can be an effort to prevent cavities.
"Brushing teeth properly and correctly is needed to clean food residue that sticks to the surface of the teeth and prevent cavities," he said.
Irfan explained, the main cause of cavities is due to bacteria originating from food residue that sticks to the tooth surface.
"If our cleaning efforts are not good, food debris accumulates, then this food residue can be metabolized by bacteria that produce acid and dissolve the tooth surface," he said.
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