
JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden supports Finland and Sweden's desire to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), despite the opposition of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey.

President Biden, who has rallied the West against Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, shows strong unity and support by joining Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in the Rose Garden of the White House, Washington DC, United States.

"Finland and Sweden make NATO stronger," said President Biden, as reported by Reuters May 20.

"They are strong, their democracy is strong, and a strong and united NATO is the foundation of America's security."

President Biden further said his administration submitted the document to the US Congress for quick approval, once NATO members gave the two countries the green light.

"They meet every NATO requirement. Having two new NATO members on the plateau will enhance the security of our alliance and deepen our security cooperation in all areas," President Biden said.

Previously, Turkey and President Erdogan have expressed strong opposition to the rise of the Nordic countries, pressured Sweden to stop support for Kurdish militants it considers part of a terrorist group and both lifted their ban on some arms sales to Turkey.

It is known that all 30 NATO members must approve each newcomer. In a video posted on Twitter last Thursday, the President said Turkey had told its allies they would refuse membership of Sweden and Finland.

Separately, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking to reporters on Air Force One en route to Asia, said the leaders of Sweden and Finland indicated they planned to speak directly with President Erdogan, while Washington was ready to support the process.

"We believe that Turkey's concerns about the accession of Sweden and Finland that have been expressed by President Erdogan and others can be addressed and can be resolved," Sullivan explained.

Asked if there were any plans for President Biden to engage directly with President Erdogan on the matter, Sullivan said: "Not for now."

The Finnish president said at the White House that his country was open to discussing all of Turkey's concerns, pledging to be 'committed to Turkey's security just as Turkey will be committed to our security' as a NATO ally.

"We take terrorism seriously," said Niinistö.

To note, Sweden and Finland for decades stood outside a Cold War-era military alliance, which was designed to deter threats from the Soviet Union. However, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has raised security concerns.

"The situation in Ukraine reminds us of the darkest days in European history. During dark times, it was great to be among close friends," said PM Andersson.

Conversations between Sweden, Finland and Turkey have been held to address Ankara's concerns, with the United States involved in the effort.

Jake Sullivan told reporters on Wednesday U.S. officials believe Turkey's concerns can be addressed, and President Biden told reporters "I think we're going to be okay" on the matter.

President Biden's endorsement has unabashedly placed a firm and deliberate stamp of US approval on the Finnish and Swedish applications. He urged the meeting before leaving for Asia, giving the two leaders time to speak in the Rose Garden, underscoring that support.

In addition, President Biden's statement also sent a signal to Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Monday, President Putin said there was no threat to Russia if Sweden and Finland joined NATO, but warned that Moscow would respond if the alliance supports military infrastructure in the new Nordic member.

Likewise, President Biden said on Thursday that new members joining NATO are not a threat to any country.

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