
JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I, Muhammad Iqbal, asked the Ministry of Communication and Information to lower or take down Deddy Corbuzier's podcast which invited LGBT couples, Ragil Mahardika and Frederik Vollert Ragil.

Iqbal assessed that the content of the couple's interview has the potential to increase LGBT and same-sex marriage in Indonesia. In fact, he said, same-sex marriage is against religion and applicable laws in Indonesia.

"We ask the Ministry of Communication and Information to take down the video posted on May 7, 2022", said Iqbal in his statement, Monday, May 9.

A member of the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) faction in the DPR said that the Ministry of Communication and Information has the authority to remove videos that are contrary to norms and laws. Even if necessary, the government will process the law on all parties who promote LGBT and same-sex marriage.

"Including Deddy Corbuzer who not only promotes gay couples but also same-sex marriage which is prohibited by law", he said.

According to Iqbal, the revocation of the LGBT podcast on Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube channel is to the aspirations of the restless Indonesian people, because it has provided a space for expression for LGBT couples and same-sex marriage.

Iqbal emphasized that there are limits to freedom of expression on internet-based social media. So that it should not violate the laws and norms that apply in Indonesia.

At the same time, Iqbal added, the promotion or propaganda of LGBT and same-sex marriage by Deddy Corbuzier had a very big impact. Because Deddy is a Youtuber with millions of followers who can make many LGBT people do not hesitate to express their deviant sexual orientation in public.

"It's not impossible that this propaganda will make the number of LGBT people in Indonesia bigger. Don't let LGBT people feel entitled to express their sexual orientation which balances them out and destroys the morals and order of Indonesian society", concluded Iqbal.

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