MUKOMUKO - The Mukomuko Police, Bengkulu Police, through a community disease operation together with the National Armed Forces (TNI), on Sunday 10 April, seized thousands of firecrackers with high explosives in the traditional market of Koto Jaya Village.
Mukomuko Resort Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Witdiardi, in his statement at Mukomuko, said the seizure of 3.058 firecrackers was carried out through a joint operation for community disease from the Mukomuko North Police and Koramil 428-01 Mukomuko.
He explained that the thousands of firecrackers, apart from being high-explosive, were also not registered in the permit issued by the Bengkulu Police Intelligence Directorate.
Thousands of firecrackers confiscated from six firecracker traders in the traditional market were then secured at the Mukomuko North Sector Police Headquarters, he said.
Furthermore, personnel from all Polsek in 15 sub-districts in this area will carry out concentrated operations at traditional markets in their respective regions.
Meanwhile, North Mukomuko Police Chief Iptu M. Simanjuntak said this concentrated operation was in order to welcome the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr in this area.
"One of our targets is controlling unlicensed firecrackers. We carry out this activity so that the local community is comfortable in conducting Tarawih prayers and welcoming Eid al-Fitr," he said, quoted by Antara.
He said this concentrated operation was carried out to see firsthand the traders selling firecrackers and to make sure the traders had a license to sell firecrackers in this area.
The local resort police, in addition to checking permits to sell firecrackers, also checks the types of firecrackers sold by traders who get these permits are dangerous or not.
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