
MIMIKA - TNI personnel at the Babinsa Koramil 1710-07/Mapurujaya led by Serka Bambang socialized the dangers of drugs and promiscuity to students at the school in Wania Village, East Mimika District, Mimika Regency, Papua.

Babinsa Koramil Mapurujaya Serka Bambang in a written statement received in Mimika, Friday, said socialization about the dangers of drugs and promiscuity is a positive step in realizing the nation's young generation who are able to think healthy.

Another purpose of this socialization, he continued, is as a real effort in implementing the character of the younger generation who are drug-free from an early age.

"Drug abuse can attack anyone, especially the younger generation. Therefore, before going too far, we must take preventive measures to protect students from drug abuse and promiscuity," he said.

He said the activity was a provision to fortify themselves from the dangers of drugs, especially as the nation's next-generation so as not to be influenced by negative things.

"Our concern as Babinsa is to provide insight, build awareness and strengthen commitment and disseminate information about the dangers of drug abuse and illicit trafficking and promiscuity," he said.

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