
BANTUL - The Regent of Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Abdul Halim Muslih, said that efforts to prevent juvenile street crime or the 'klitih' phenomenon, including the recent brawls in Bantul and Yogyakarta, must start from the family environment.

"I call it not 'klitih', but brawls, and incidents of gang brawls, we must prevent these youths starting from the family," he said, responding to the phenomenon of street crime and juvenile brawls in Bantul, after monitoring the distribution of cash assistance for street vendors, shop owners and fishermen at the Kodim Command Headquarters 0729/Bantul, Friday, April 8.

He said the prevention of all forms of juvenile street crime must first start from the family, then the second from the school, the third from the community itself.

"But the key is in the family, because first the most responsible is the family, so we have called for, and continue to socialize so that there is supervision of children from the family at home," he said, quoted by Antara

The Bantul Regency Government has also invited the head of the Bantul Youth and Sports Education Office for the authority for junior high and equivalent, and the head of the DIY Middle Education Center in Bantul, which has the authority for SMA and SMK, to coordinate with the school committee.

"This committee represents the parents of students, so supervision must be carried out from home. Parents, fathers, and mothers must monitor and supervise children, especially boys so that they do not leave the house too late, because events after events are all happening at night," he said.

Muslih said that it is possible for juvenile street crimes to occur at night until dawn. Therefore, they also support the police's move that starting at 22.00 WIB, teenagers are not allowed to leave the house unless there is an important need.

"Just stay home, studying is much more beneficial than going out of the house that is useless and risky like that. So later we will disseminate it through the school to the committee, the committee later to the families," he said.

He said, verbally a chain message so that there would be supervision from parents for children anticipating juvenile street crimes had been conveyed, and the directive would be continued with outreach to school principals, both High School (SMA), Vocational School (SMK) and madrasah (Islamic School).

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