
JAKARTA - Israel will allow women, children, and men over 50 from the West Bank to pray at Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday, in an apparent effort to help ease tensions during Ramadan.

The Israeli government said it could ease restrictions more if things remained calm.

The use of incentives around the mosque, which is on a hilltop compound, comes about a year after the turmoil that led to the 11-day Israel-Gaza war in May 2021.

This year, the Israeli government is on high alert after three attacks by Palestinians in Israel in recent weeks, some claimed by ISIS, killed 11 Israelis.

The attack raises questions about whether the new rules will be overturned. However, Israel's coalition government has tried to avoid a repeat of last year's violence with incentives.

"Along with the civilian steps we are taking starting this week towards Ramadan, which we will expand if there is security stability", said Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz.

"We will continue to do whatever it takes to give people a normal life, as well as to protect Israeli citizens from terrorism."

Israeli police are on high alert after three deadly attacks by Palestinians in Israel in recent weeks.

An Israeli raid on a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank last week to search for accomplices of a gunman sparked a gun battle in which two Palestinians were killed and 15 injured.

On Saturday, Israeli police said their officers killed three Palestinian militants involved in the recent attack on Israeli forces and were planning other attacks.

Under the new rules, Palestinian women from the occupied West Bank will be allowed to enter Israel without permission for Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque.

Palestinian men and boys over the age of 50 and younger than 12 will be allowed to enter for prayers without permission. And, men between the ages of 40 to 49 with a permit will also be allowed in.

Thousands of Palestinians with close relatives in Israel will also be granted permission to visit them between Sunday and Thursday, the Palestinian government liaison office said.

The rules will take effect next week, with security officials meeting again to consider expanding the policy further.

It is known, that Israel announced the rule hours after police arrested eight Palestinians, in connection with allegations of throwing stones and other objects at officers outside the Damascus Gate to Jerusalem's Old City.

Last year, clashes between police and protesters in and around the Old City became one of the triggers for the Gaza war.

Israel captured East Jerusalem, along with its holy sites for the three Abrahamic religions, in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, then annexed it in a move not recognized by much of the international community.

Palestinians seek East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state that will include the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Israel regards the entire city as a united capital.

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