
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is committed to encouraging fiscal independence by optimizing regional income from taxes.

Ganjar said taxes are the biggest source of income for a region. So, this income must start to be boosted by the utilization of regional assets.

"There are two assets in this area and there is always a record from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). One, legality. Often it is because there are not many certificates, so there is a lot of control in other places. We will take care of this," said Ganjar in a written statement, Thursday, March 31.

Ganjar continued that the assets were no longer merely leased. He said there needs to be an investment in the hope that the income will work.

Furthermore, Ganjar said prevention and eradication of corruption is also important. If it goes well then the potential income will run well too.

"But apart from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), we trigger it with investment to build the economy. For example, if we talk about new economic areas, for example in Kendal, Batang, Brebes will prepare it. I think that is part of increasing the existing economic potential," said Ganjar.

Since being led by Ganjar, Central Java's fiscal independence has been above the National Optimization average. This can be seen from the BPK which appreciates the local government's financial reports and the fiscal independence of the Central Java region.

Ganjar added that so far his party has always received an Unqualified Rank (WTP) and that has also been followed by all regions in Central Java.

Moreover, Ganjar said that Central Java Province already has an electronic-based government resources management system (GRMS).

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