JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) has again blocked 17 accounts suspected of being related to illegal investment cases. From these accounts, it was recorded that the deviated funds reached IDR 77.945 billion.
"The temporary suspension of transactions suspected of stemming from criminal acts in the form of illegal investments originating from 17 accounts with a value of IDR 77.945 billion," said Head of the PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana in his statement, Friday, March 25.
With the addition of the blocking, a total of 275 accounts whose transactions have been suspended. These accounts are related to fraudulent investment cases with various modes.
"So the total temporary suspension of transactions suspected of originating from criminal acts in the form of illegal investments is IDR 502.88 billion with a total of 275 accounts," said Ivan.
On the other hand, Ivan continued, his party continues to monitor and analyze all transactions suspected of being related to illegal investments. Because it is undeniable that various methods are used to disguise the proceeds of crime.
"Based on the results of PPATK's analysis, the modes of money flow are quite diverse, such as being stored in the form of crypto assets, using accounts belonging to other people, and then being transferred to various accounts at several banks to make it difficult to trace transactions," said Ivan.
Previously, INTRAC in tracing the flow of money suspected of being related to criminal acts in the form of illegal investments, both domestic and foreign funds flows.
The PPATK has again temporarily suspended 29 accounts with a value of IDR 7.2 billion, bringing a total of 150 accounts with a total of IDR 361.2 billion that have been temporarily frozen.
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