
MUKOMUKO - The Environmental Service of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, stated that his party still routinely monitors the activities of the C excavation without a permit or illegally in this area.

"We regularly go to the field to monitor illegal sand and stone C excavations in this area and prohibit them from carrying out activities," said Head of the Mukomuko Regency Environmental Service, M. Rizon, in Mukomuko, Thursday 24 March.

Until now, it is suspected that there are still C stone quarries in this area that carry out activities without a permit or illegally.

DLH in 2021 once stopped the activities of eight unlicensed or illegal C sand and stone mining business activities in XIV Koto District.

"We once went down to the mine site and stopped the activities because without a permit, there might still be mines carrying out illegal activities," he also said.

For the rock and sand quarry that continues to carry out activities without a permit in this area, he said, his party has given a warning by stopping the activity.

Furthermore, he said, his party handed over and reported the C rock and sand mines that were still carrying out activities without permission to the police in this area.

"We leave it to the police and we are also coordinating with multiple parties and the police because basically, his actions violate the law," he said.

He stated that although the Bengkulu ESDM party granted the permit for mining C rock and sand in this area, therapy for environmental damage needs supervision from the local government.

Supervision of the C rock and sand mines in this area is in accordance with Law Number 32 of 2008 concerning Environmental Management and Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management.

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