
A total of 92 four-wheeled vehicles belonging to visitors to the Monas Park who parked carelessly were carried out by the Central Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept. officers. The number of four-wheeled vehicles comes from 2 illegal parking points.

The operation to remove the pentile from the parked vehicle was carried out by officers from the Central Jakarta Sub-dept. during the Christmas and Year holidays.

"There were 59 four-wheeled vehicles whose tires were removed because they parked on the shoulder of Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir District, Central Jakarta," said Head of the Central Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept., Wildan Anwar when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 29.

Officers also combed through other illegal parking bags around the Monas Park area, Central Jakarta.

"Then 33 other four-wheeled vehicles parked in front of Irti Monas' door were also removed by the tire pentil," he said.

Kasudin appealed to owners of four-wheeled vehicles who want to visit the Monas Park area to park in their place, which is official.

"There is still a parking lot at IRTI Monas and a parking lot at Gambir Station," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Central Jakarta Transportation Agency asked Jakarta residents to maximize the use of the public transportation fleet to go to tourist sites during the 2024 Nataru holiday.

Head of Traffic and Transportation of Jalan Sudinhub, Central Jakarta, Haryo Bagus Kusuma, said that to visit tourist areas, it is better to use public transportation.

The reason is that during the holidays parking spaces are confirmed to be full. For example, in the Monas area. At this Jakarta landmark, parking locations are available in the IRTI area.

Haryo asked that people use private vehicles to be able to park their vehicles at the parking locations that have been provided.

Because his party will continue to maintain traffic order in the area.

"We ask Monas visitors who use private vehicles to park at the locations that have been provided," said Haryo when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 29.

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