
BENGKULU - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Bengkulu Province arrested seven suspects of drug abuse in the region within one week.

The head of the Bengkulu Province BNN, Supratman, said the seven suspects were arrested in four different locations.

"There are 7 suspects who were arrested by officers from four cases with different crime scenes who were arrested," said Supratman in Bengkulu, Tuesday, March 22.

For the first crime scene (TKP), according to Supratman, the BNN arrested the suspect IS (48) who was arrested in Hamlet II, Ipuh District, Mukomuko Regency.

From the arrests, continued the Head of the Bengkulu BNN, his party managed to confiscate evidence in the form of three packages of methamphetamine with a gross weight of 7.5 grams.

Then his party arrested AD and AJ for drug cases in the Sultan Jamil Street area, the Head of Siring, Central Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency.

Based on the arrest, Bengkulu Province BNN officers managed to confiscate evidence in the form of 8 packages of methamphetamine weighing 2.96 grams.

Further disclosure was made in the Rawa Makmur Village, Muara Bangkahulu District by arresting two suspects FJ (22) and ND (22) by confiscating evidence of 14 packages of marijuana weighing 500 grams and 10 packages of methamphetamine weighing 6.31 grams, cellphones, and digital scales.

"From these two suspects, we got 2 types of drugs, namely methamphetamine and marijuana," he said as quoted by Antara.

Supratman said that officers again disclosed to RE (32), a resident from Padang Harapan Village, Bengkulu City, in Tanjung Sanai I Village, Rejang Lebong Regency and confiscated evidence in the form of six packages of methamphetamine with a gross weight of 100 grams, 1 car and cellphone.

Based on the information from the suspect RE, he got the drugs from one of the inmates who were in Bentiring Prison and brought the suspect YN to the Bengkulu Province BNN for examination.

He said, from the seven suspects, his party confiscated evidence in the form of 500 grams of marijuana and 116.77 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

The seven suspects will be charged with Article 114 paragraph Jo Article 132 subsidiary Article 112 Jo Article 132 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a minimum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum of life.

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