
BANYUMAS - The Head of Banyumas Police for the Central Java Police, Commissioner-police Edy Suranta Sitepu, arrested 9 members of a motorcycle gang that made residents of Sawangan Village, West Purwokerto District anxious.

Commissioner-police Edy Suranta Sitepu said the number of perpetrators who were arrested was 9 people, with details of 3 adult perpetrators and 6 minors. The arrests, continued Edy Suranta, were accompanied by evidence in the form of three Honda motorcycles, iron plates, three sickles, one mobile phone, as well as helmets, bags and clothes.

"Initially, there was an invitation from the JL motorcycle gang from Brebes Regency who asked the GS Purwokerto motorcycle gang to fight with the Sawangan Village residents by attacking them with sharp weapons, such as sickles and damaging goods and by setting off firecrackers or fireworks," explained Edy Suranta in written statement, Tuesday, March 22.

Edy firmly asked that motorcycle gangs in the Banyumas Regency and outside Banyumas should be disbanded.

"Don't disturb the community and don't make a fuss because the Banyumas Police will take firm action if motorcycle gangs disturb the community and commit criminal acts," said Commissioner Edy.

With this incident, Edy Suranta appealed to parents and the school to provide positive activities and facilities. So, according to Edy, children are not looking for negative activities.

"Parents to pay more attention to the association of children so as not to take actions that can violate the law," said Eddy.

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