
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police again conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the residence where one family was electrocuted to death on Pulomas Barat 12 Street, No. 4, RT 003/10, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner Budi Sartono, said today the East Jakarta Police will return to the scene to determine the cause of the death of the four victims.

"TKP again to confirm whether the short circuit is true or not. We will call an expert witness from Puslabfor to confirm the short circuit or not", said Commissioner Budi Sartono when confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 21, afternoon.

As is known, a tragic event was experienced by a family consisting of husband, wife and children. They are Bernard Gunawan (37) husband, Novianti (29) wife and their child with the initials EA (1) is a toddler boy. They died after it was strongly suspected that they were electrocuted from a water heater in a bathroom in their house.

Apart from this family, a babysitter named Suratmi (51) also died along with this family.

According to the information gathered, the incident occurred on Sunday, March 20, afternoon, at around 16.00 WIB. However, the officers only found out about the incident on Sunday, March 20, the night.

"The temporary suspicion is due to a short circuit from the electricity. The Police (Pulogadung) has already processed the initial crime scene (TKP)", he said.

As of Monday afternoon, the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still focusing on conducting crime scene investigations to determine the motive behind this tragic event.

"Now we are focusing on carrying out the crime scene investigation to make sure it is true that the death was due to an electrical short circuit or not", he added.

While the house is currently under renovation, the police have not been able to link the electrocution victim to the renovation of the house.

"Later we will explore again, later a team will come to confirm whether this is a new (electric) network or an old network. Later, after processing the crime scene", he said.

Separately, the Head of the Pulogadung Police, Commissioner David, confirmed that the house where one of the families who died was electrocuted was still under renovation.

"The owner of the house is his parents. This child wants to live there, new, (the house) has only been renovated for 2 months, just wants to occupy it. What is the number of his biological son (victim)", said Commissioner David.

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