
JAKARTA - The head of the Russian peace negotiations delegation admitted that negotiations with Ukraine were difficult and tough, while the Russian Foreign Minister asked negotiators to work quietly without fanning hysteria.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's aide who is also head of the Russian delegation Vladimir Medinsky said that while negotiations were currently difficult and progressing slowly, Russia remained sincere in its desire to reach peace as soon as possible.

"Talks were difficult and slow. Of course, we want them to go faster. This is Russia's sincere wish. We want to achieve peace as soon as possible", Medinsky was quoted as saying by TASS on March 16.

"The main task of the negotiators is to search through a large number of complex issues to select a possible agreement. Relying on them to get these points of agreement on the agenda, gradually move forward step by step towards an outcome that suits our people, peace", he explained.

Medinsky further said, he prefers not to focus on the problems that arise in the negotiation process.

"Really, the efforts of our country and the task assigned by the president is to achieve peace on Ukrainian soil, to see a peaceful, neutral and friendly country, which will not become a bulwark of NATO or a bulwark of forces who want to harm our country", he said.

Separately, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said in an interview on RBC TV that Russian and Ukrainian negotiators should be allowed to work in a calmer situation, without hysteria.

"I will let the negotiators work in a calmer situation, without fanning hysteria again", Foreign Minister Lavrov said after the Ukrainian side's latest statement on progress in talks.

To note, the first round of Russian-Ukrainian talks was held in the Gomel region of Belarus on February 28. The talks lasted five hours. The second round of talks was held on March 3 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in Belarus. The talks resulted in an agreement on a humanitarian corridor to evacuate civilians.

Delegates meet for the third round of talks on March 7, in the Brest region, also in Belarus. On March 10, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitry Kuleba on the sidelines of a diplomatic forum in Antalya, Turkey.

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