
TANGERANG - The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia representing Banten Province assessed that the Tangerang City Education Office (Dindik) was predicated as a red zone in terms of its compliance with serving the public.

The assessment indicator used by the Ombudsman is Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services. The assessment was carried out to prevent mal-administration by public servants.

The head of the Banten Ombudsman, Dedy Irsan, said that to get the green zone high compliance predicate, you must get a score of 81-100, while the yellow zone scores 51.00-80.99 and the red zone 0-50.99.

"Tangerang City Dindik received an assessment of around 30 points, so it is in the red zone or bad," said Dedy when confirmed, Friday, March 4.

On the other hand, there are 60 administrative service products with a score of 74.95 and are included in the Yellow Zone category with Medium Compliance Predicate.

"There are three OPDs that are considered good, namely DPMPTSP and Disdukcapil. Both are in the green zone with scores above 81," he said.

According to Dedy, this value tends to decrease when compared to 2019 with a value of 92.52, thus obtaining a green zone predicate.

Dedy hopes that the Tangerang City Government in this year's assessment will have an increase so that there is progress in entering the Green Zone.

"We hope that this year (2022), the results of the compliance assessment can be improved so that it enters the green zone," he said.

In Banten Province, a compliance assessment was also carried out on the Banten Provincial Government and 8 cities/regencies in its administrative area, eight Polres, and seven Land Offices.

In addition, the Indonesian Ombudsman will also conduct an assessment of compliance with the Public Service Standards in 2021 simultaneously throughout Indonesia for 24 ministries, 15 institutions, 34 provinces, 98 cities, and 416 districts. The assessment was carried out in the period June to October 2021.

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