Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to make an early suicide attempt. If you have suicidal thoughts, do not hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist.
CILACAP – A teenage boy reportedly set himself on fire with Pertalite fuel oil (BBM). As a result of burns, the victim's initials, Jes (22) died.
The victim launched the action on Wednesday, March 2, at around 11.30 western Indonesia time, at her home on Masjid Al Fajar Nurani street, Bulupayung Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java.
Information received from the Cilacap Resort Police, Thursday, March 4, stated that at that time the victim went to buy retail Pertalite at a shop, after returning from the shop the victim returned with a jerry can containing Pertalite. When the victim returned home, not long after, suddenly 3 of his neighbors who were gathered on the terrace of the victim's house saw a fire coming from inside the house.

3 neighbors of the victim, who was named as a witness, then ran towards the victim and one of them tried to extinguish the fire that burned the victim's body using cloth and water.
After the fire in the victim's body was extinguished, the victim was immediately taken to the Afdila Cilacap Hospital for treatment. However, around 13.30 western Indonesia time, the victim was declared dead.
Based on the examination of the police officers at the scene, there were traces of the Pertalite spill where the victim was burned. Witnesses said the victim was depressed.
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