
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force ensures that the government will continue to strive to reduce the number of cases so that deaths due to COVID-19 infection do not increase.

"I believe if we immediately reduce the number of cases the death rate can be suppressed so that no one dies," said Spokesman for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 8, as reported by Antara.

The good news is that the death rate can still be maintained at a low level of 244 in the last week. The number of deaths is eight times smaller than the spike in cases in the first and second waves.

He explained, in the first surge in cases, the death toll reached around 2,000 people and in the second wave around 6,000 people.

"Even so, lives are precious lives. For that, each of us has an equally important role of responsibility to prevent one person from being infected," he said.

Especially for people who are in areas with a high increase in cases, Wiku asked the public to remain disciplined in implementing the 3M, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.

"We are also requested not to hold various activities that cause crowds, such as celebrations and family events," he said.

Wiku said that more than 90 percent of the additional national cases were currently contributed by the provinces on the islands of Java and Bali.

He detailed, DKI Jakarta increased by 44.000 cases, West Java 28.000 cases, Banten 15.000 cases, Bali 7.500 cases, East Java 7.000 cases, Central Java 3.500 cases, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta 1.000 cases.

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