BANDUNG - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) ensures that the availability of oxygen in the city is safe to anticipate the spike in COVID-19 cases that occurred this February.
The Acting Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, confirmed this after conducting a review of PT Aneka Gas Industri, Jalan Industri, Bandung City.
As reported by Antara, Monday, February 7, according to him, the stock of oxygen cylinders at the location is quite a lot. "We see quite a lot. Thank God some hospitals already have tanks, so they have stock for several days," said Yana.
At that location, 9 tons of oxygen cylinders are still available which, when converted, is equivalent to 8.000 cubic meters or 1.300 cylinders.
According to him, 80 percent of the oxygen cylinder stock at PT Aneka Gas Industri is available. However, he hopes that COVID-19 cases will not increase and the oxygen stock will not be used.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Trade and Industry Service (Disdagin), Elly Wasliah, said that the current condition of oxygen cylinder stock in Bandung City is confirmed to be stable when compared to conditions when there was a spike in COVID-19 in mid-2021.
In addition, she said, currently, 13 hospitals in Bandung City already have tanks to store oxygen reserves. “Technically it doesn't just rely on tubes. So, from the tank there is a direct line to the patient rooms,” said Elly.
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