JAKARTA - Social media activist Adam Deni was arrested on suspicion of an illegal access case. Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) of National Police (Polri) has examined a number of witnesses and experts in the process of handling this case.
"The witnesses who have been examined are 4 people and 8 experts. An Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) and criminal expert witness," said Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, February 2.
The handling of the case at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is based on a report against Adam Deni. Adam Deni was arrested on the evening of Tuesday, February 1.
"AD has been detained by investigators from the Cyber Crime Directorate of the Police. This is related to the criminal act of uploading or transmitting electronic documents by unauthorized persons as stipulated in Article 48 paragraphs 1,2 and 3 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraphs 1,2 and 3 of the ITE Law," said Brigadier General Ramadhan.
Regarding the Adam Deni case, the police asked the public not to take other people's personal data and upload it on social media without the permission of the data owner.
"Which can lead to legal consequences in the future," said Ramadhan.
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