Inaugurated By Jokowi, Nawawi Pomolango Officially Becomes The Temporary Chair Of The KPK To Replace Firli

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated Nawawi Pomolango as Chairman of the KPK Meanwhile, today, Monday, November 27. The inauguration was held at the State Palace, Jakarta.

Monitored from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, the inauguration was held at 11.40 WIB and attended by the anti-corruption commission structure, namely three KPK leaders Alexander Marwata, Nurul Ghufron, and Johanis Tanak. Also present was the KPK Supervisory Board, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto.

The activity began with the reading of Presidential Decree Number 116P of 2023 concerning the Temporary Dismissal of the Chairperson and concurrently a member of the KPK for the 2019-2024 Term of Office and the Appointment of the Temporary Chairperson of the KPK for the 2019-2024 Term of Office.

"As of the oath of oath, he has promised to appoint Brother Nawawi Pomolango as the Temporary Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission for the 2019-2024 Term," reads the Presidential Decree read by the Deputy for Apparatus Administration of the Ministry of Finance, Nanik Purwanti.

Furthermore, President Jokowi took the oath of office which was read by Nawawi.

"By Allah, I swear sincerely that I am to carry out this task directly or indirectly by using any name or method and not giving or promising anything to anyone," said Nawawi in front of President Jokowi.

"I swear that I do or do not do something in this task, will never receive directly or indirectly from anyone a promise or gift."

"I swear that I will be loyal to and will maintain and practice Pancasila as the basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and the laws and regulations that apply to the Republic of Indonesia."

"I swear that I always carry out my duties and authorities seriously, carefully, objectively, honestly, bravely, fairly, do not differentiate between positions; ethnicity; race; religion; gender and certain groups and will carry out my obligations as well as possible and fully responsible to God Almighty, society, nation and state."

"I swear that I will always refuse, not accept, or be influenced by anyone's interference and I will remain firm in carrying out the duties and authorities mandated by law to me," said the contents of the oath read by Nawawi.

After the oath was pronounced, Nawawi signed the minutes of taking the oath of the Temporary KPK chairman.

As previously reported, President Jokowi has signed Presidential Decree for the dismissal of Firli and the appointment of Nawawi as Acting Chairman of the KPK. The signing was carried out upon arrival from a working visit to West Kalimantan on Thursday night, November 24.

This step was taken after he became a suspect in the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities from former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Meanwhile, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes that Nawawi will be able to restore the good name of the anti-corruption commission after Firli was disabled because he was named a suspect by the Polda Metro Jaya.

"We hope that this replacement (Firli Bahuri) will work better. So that law enforcement can be further improved," said Ma'ruf on the sidelines of activities in Bratislava, Slovakia, Saturday local time, November 25.

"Don't let our law enforcement agencies lower their credibility so that they need to be addressed," he concluded.