Police Denies Political Motives To Investigate Alleged Corruption In Central Java Province Aid Funds

Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police, Kombes Dwi Subagio, said that there was no political motive in the investigation into the alleged corruption case of Central Java Province (Central Java) aid funds for villages in three districts.

"It has nothing to do with elections, there is no other motive," said Dwi in Semarang as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

According to him, the investigation was carried out on the alleged deduction of the distribution of village aspiration funds originating from Central Java Province assistance to Karanganyar, Wonogiri, and Klaten Regencies.

Temporary investigations were carried out in the three areas because the reports came from the three places.

Until now, he continued, only 13 witnesses have been examined and asked for clarification on the distribution of aid from the 2020 to 2022 fiscal years.

According to him, investigators are still investigating the modus operandi of deviating the use of the aid funds.

"There are allegations of withholding aid funds distributed to villages, then there are also allegations of work implementation that is not in accordance with specifications," he said.

The investigation, which has been started since April 2023, was purely carried out to help realize the accountability of local government programs.

Dwi also confirmed the plan to summon village heads from Karanganyar Regency who were planned to be questioned next week.