Stepmother Who Tortured A 4-year-old Toddler In Tangerang Becomes A Suspect, But Not Detained

TANGERANG - The police raised the status of a stepmother with the initials RE (38) who abused IR (4) toddlers, to become a suspect. This was conveyed directly by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Rio Mikael Tobing.

"Sudah ditetapkan tersangka," kata Rio saat dalam pesan singkat, Kamis, 23 November.

Rio also said that even though the suspect had been named, RE was not detained. However, RE is only required to report.

"The suspect (only imposed) must report. The legal process continues," he said.

Rio explained that the suspect's decision was not detained after holding a meeting with the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A), the Tangerang District Attorney's Office, the Tangerang City Social Service and children's observers.

"The suspect was not detained on humanitarian grounds. Where, the suspect still has a nine-month-old baby," he concluded.

What happened to IR (4) was like in a film or soap opera, when the stepmother did not give love to the child. The IR head was pinned to the wall, his body was covered with bruises from being pinched. Even IR was locked in the room and then not fed by the mother continued.

Penganiaya terhadap IR dilakukan RE (38) di Kompleks LP Kelas 1, Babakan, Kota Tangerang.

As previously stated, RE has four children, three of whom are his biological children. Meanwhile, victim IR is the child of her husband, BA (38).

Bowo, the head of the local RT, said that of his four children, only one often received violence. Bowo even said that IR was often not fed.

"So this RE has his congenital child, two. From his father one (victim). Well, only the one who is often tortured by his father's children. We often hear the screams. Often don't feed R, even though the other child is given," said Bowo when confirmed, Monday, November 20.

Bowo admitted that he had known about this case since last November 11. However, he has not been able to act, because they are newcomers to his area. In fact, they also have not sent population files.

"From November 11 I know. Only then did he just rent, haven't sent the data. So I haven't acted yet. Now it's there, I immediately acted, that's why we separated the child from the mother," he said.

Bowo felt sad and upset to learn that something like this had happened.

"This is a mother who has gone too far. Look, the victim is injured everywhere. I can't understand it," he said.