Not Present At The Divorce Session, Ammar Zoni Even Shows Off Wanting To Fight Boxing

JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni was again absent from his divorce trial with the agenda of summoning principals with Irish Bella. Previously, at the inaugural hearing held on November 16, Ammar Zoni was also absent.

It seemed that he was not present, Ammar Zoni through uploads on his Instagram story account instead promoted the boxing event he would be participating in. Ammar was seen re-uploading the Instagram upload @hwsportshow.

"What are you guys doing? Who do you think dares to challenge and become a suitable opponent? Try cheating!" wrote Instagram @hwsportshow quoted by VOI, Thursday, November 23.

On his Instagram, Ammar is known to be starting preparations for this boxing match. It is estimated that this boxing event will be held in 5 months.

"5 month to prepare body goals, Bismillah!" Ammar Zoni wrote on his Instagram story.

It is known that Ammar Zoni was sued for divorce by Irish Bella on November 6 yesterday. The Depok Religious Court has held its first trial which was only attended by Irish Bella.

The news of the separation of Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni began to be blown after Ammar was released from prison for a drug abuse case some time ago. Where he said he did not return to his home with Irish Bella.