Be A Empowered Mother And A Financial Literacy To Build A Prosperous Family

JAKARTA I don't know what is in the head of RAD, a mother in Depok who has the heart to sell her biological child to an Egyptian man, TM. Luckily, her mother's depraved plan was not fully successful and she is now arrested by the Depok Metro Police.

RAD apparently went dark because he was in debt of online loans (pinjol) up to Rp100 million. In order to pay off his debt, RAD intends to sell his son, ABH, to TM. Unmitigated, his 15-year-old daughter was ordered to undergo a contract marriage.

But the contract marriage plan failed because ABH refused to have sex with TM, so RAD only received Rp6 million which was received in stages.

"The contract marriage did not exist and did not happen because twice the victim rebelled and was only molested," said the Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the Depok Metro Police, AKP Markus Simaremare, Tuesday, November 14.

In recent years, the popularity of the loan platform has increased for people who need additional funds. Not a few people also use loan services to meet their financial goals.

But over time, the existence of loans is actually troubling. All the conveniences offered by this information technology-based borrowing and borrowing service make many people tempted to take advantage of it, including among mothers. Ironically, housewives often take advantage of loans just to meet lifestyles, not for urgent needs.

This makes many housewives trapped in loans and even illegal ones, as revealed by the Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education, and Protection of OJK Consumers Friderica Widyasari Dewi. Housewives rank three groups who are most entangled, under teachers and victims of layoffs (PHK).

The existence of a loan on the one hand can indeed make it easier. Because with loans, sometimes quite urgent financial needs can be resolved quickly and easily.

But on the other hand, this loan is like a vicious circle. Many also take advantage of the loan to pay off debts. Open one loan to close another loan. Like the saying, dig a hole to cover the hole.

In the aftermath, instead of solving problems, borrowing becomes a nightmare. Not infrequently people have debts from tens to dozens of loans!

Low financial literacy is considered the main reason why many people, especially housewives, are trapped in illegal loans. Whereas financial literacy has an important role in everyday life and is a basic necessity that should be understood by every individual, including mothers.

Launching the Financial Services Authority (OJK) page, financial literacy is knowledge, skills, and beliefs that affect attitudes and behavior to improve the quality of decision making and financial management to achieve the welfare of the community.

The low level of financial literacy in Indonesia is not just a fairy tale. Based on the OJK survey in 2022, Indonesia's population financial literacy index is still relatively low despite the increase every year.

Last year, for example, the Indonesian population financial literacy index was 49.68 percent. This means that out of 100 people, only half of them have good financial literacy. This figure is an increase compared to 2013, 2016, and 2019, which were only 21.84 percent, 29.70 percent, and 38.03 percent, respectively.

For this reason, OJK continues to strive to strengthen financial literacy and inclusion for MSME players and housewives. This is done solely to improve the welfare of the community.

"Considering its very important role, the MSME segment and women need to be equipped with financial literacy skills in facing increasingly complex financial challenges," Friderica said on September 12.

"MSMEs are pillars of the Indonesian economy, women play an important role in family success and everything comes from financial literacy as the foundation of a prosperous family," said Friderica, adding.

In today's era, where various needs are increasing, finding women who play a role in supporting the family's economy by working is commonplace. Not only helping the family economy, but working mothers are also one way to make women financially independent and empowered.

According to research, mothers who have their own income make them more confident in making decisions in household matters. In addition, empowered mothers will become role models or role models for the next generation, as stated by family financial planner Nadia Harsya.

"Women who are literate in financial and empowered literacy not only help the family's economy, but also be more confident and happy, and become role models for the next generation," said Nadia.

Similarly, family psychologist Melok Roro Kinanthi also assessed the many positive impacts that result when a mother is empowered and has her own income. According to Melok, empowered mothers will feel more competent and confident in facing the various challenges or stressors that arise in the family.

In the culture of the patriarchy community, where men are dominant figures in the household, income mothers have the opportunity to hear their ideas, views, and input about family (not just all unilaterally determined by father). Thus, families have more varied choices in managing everyday life, "said Melok to VOI.

In addition, Melok said that mothers who earn income have the opportunity to do activities that are more varied during time and reduce feelings of guilt because they use their husband's money to have fun on their own. When a mother has a better chance ofme time, then you can manage stress better too.

"If mothers can manage stress and pleasure, then mothers can carry out the role of parenting and other domestic roles better," concluded Melok, a Psychologist at YARSI University.

Women, especially mothers, have an important role in building a prosperous family. And to be able to take part in creating a prosperous family, a mother must be empowered and financially literate, one of which can be achieved by having her own income.