Annoyed With His Wife, Husband In Sukabumi Aniaya, A 4-year-old Child

The Sukabumi Police Investigation and Criminal Unit (Satreskrim) revealed the motive of a man from Buniwangi Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java who had the heart to persecute his six-year-old biological son whose actions were recorded by the alleged perpetrator himself.

"The suspect's motive is that the Surade Sub-district resident abused his son because he was annoyed and jealous of his wife who was working as an Indonesian migrant worker in Saudi Arabia, so the perpetrator expressed his frustration by molesting his daughter," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Maruly Pardede, quoted by ANTARA, Friday 17 November.

According to Maruly, from the results of the investigation and examination, W admitted that he was determined to carry out this cruel act against his only daughter because he suspected that his wife had an affair with another man who was still in the same village as the suspect.

So to provide a deterrent effect and threats to his wife, W vented his anger on his son. It is even suspected that W's heinous act against his biological child was not the only one.

On the other hand, he explained that the disclosure of this case began with the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim received information regarding the circulation of videos on Facebook social media showing a child being abused by being trampled, beaten and slammed on Monday, November 13.

Then a search was carried out and it was finally revealed that the incident occurred in Buniwangi Village, Surade District. Not long after, the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim PPA Unit arrested W, who was the biological father of the victim on Wednesday (15/11).

"Our suspect is ensnared by article 44 paragraph 1 junto article 5 paragraph A or article 45 paragraph 1 junto article 5 letter B of Law Number 35 of 2012 concerning amendments to Law 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection which carries a maximum sentence of six years in prison," he added.

Maruly said that the victim has now been handled by the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim PPA Unit by providing assistance in the form of healing victims, especially in terms of trauma due to the incident.

In addition, his party has also instructed the trauma healing team and coordinated with the Sukabumi Regency Social Service to conduct therapy so that the trauma is not prolonged.