Discuss Power Wheeling Scheme In The EBET Bill, DPR Schedules A Working Meeting With The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources

JAKARTA - Commission VII of the DPR RI will schedule a Working Meeting (Raker) with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif to discuss the Draft Law on New Energy and Renewable Energy (RUU EBET). This working meeting will later discuss the power steering scheme and the establishment of a special EBT business entity.

Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto said his party together with Kenterian ESDM had discussed 574 Lists of Problem Inventory (DIM) in the EBET Bill.

"God willing, it will be (raker). Of the 574 DIMs everything has been discussed thoroughly, which requires the smoothing to be brought to the Working Meeting with the minister," Sugeng told the media quoted on Thursday, November 16.

He explained that later in the racket he would only discuss 3 articles, namely the formation of a special agency or EBET manager who did make decisions at the level of the Ministry and discussions about the concept of power steering.

Regarding power steering, he said, it was discussed again after seeing an increase in electricity demand from new renewable energy sources so that the strategy that the government needs to implement is the concept of power steering.

"When the state in this case PLN is unable to build an EBT generator, like it or not, IPP too. So later the concept will be (power wheeling).

Sugeng added, so far, for reasons of oversupply, discussions about power wheeling have often been avoided to discuss. However, with the high demand for green electricity, the government needs to immediately discuss the concept.

"2027 must build a new power plant, so it needs to be changed immediately by the RUPTL. Earlier, the meeting on the new RUPTL from 2024 to 2033 was what we will discuss," concluded Sugeng.