5 Ways To Overcome Loneliness, So As Not To Have A Bad Impact On Physical And Mental Health

JAKARTA - Feelings of loneliness are common to everyone. This feeling makes people experience it like being isolated from the surrounding environment. Long-term loneliness can cause sleep problems, changes in body weight, high blood pressure, insecure feelings, blood vessel disorders, heart disease, and depression.

In order for this not to happen, of course, loneliness must be addressed immediately. For those of you who are curious, see the following methods are met by VOI from the Help Guide page, Tuesday, November 14.

It is true, during face-to-face interactions the body releases hormones that reduce stress and stimulate positive emotional responses. That's why face-to-face contact with friends and family is very important in maintaining mental health.

However, to connect directly with loved ones every feeling of loneliness attacks is not always possible. Either traveling for work, staying away, or being separated for other reasons, there are other ways to stay connected and avoid feeling lonely. You can make voice calls or routine videos or write letters.

Having contact with other people doesn't have to be limited to close friends, family, or co-workers. Communicating with strangers can even help you fight loneliness and the negative impact of social isolation. You can even create new friendships when you start to open up and talk to people in online and offline spaces.

In addition to expanding social networks, helping others can add meaning and life goals. In fact, volunteering to help others can provide the same benefits for you and also for the people you help.

You can help others by becoming a volunteer for an important purpose for you, providing protection to animals, or feeding the homeless. In addition to serving the community, this can also help foster a sense of connectedness with other volunteers.

However, if you have limited mobility or can't leave the house for some reason, you can still volunteer for tasks such as creating or answering calls or sending emails.

If you work from home, you may feel confined to the same four walls every day. Despite traveling, you will often get caught up in a routine that is limited to trips to and from work. Try setting aside time really enjoys being outdoors. Spending time in the fresh air and open space will not only increase your feelings, but also open yourself up to meet new people.

Live around your environment. Take a different route every day and find new places can be a stimulating experience and give you the opportunity to meet new people. Explore places you've never visited before or familiar places as if it's the first time you've seen them.

Instead of having lunch alone at home, go to restaurants, coffee shops, or shopping centers. To save money, prepare your own lunch and enjoy in parks or other public places. Being in someone else's visibility can help you reduce your own taste and increase the chances of meeting new people.

Feeling lonely can activate a fight-or-run response to your body and increase stress levels. As compensation, take time to cultivate enthusiasm, improve your mood and view, and protect your mental health.

Remember, loneliness is something that everyone experiences. There's nothing wrong with feeling lonely. It's also important to accept the factors that are beyond your control. Maybe right now you can't afford plane tickets to visit your loved ones, but that doesn't mean you have to lock yourself up at home.

Loneliness is sometimes difficult to get rid of, even after you take steps to change the situation. For example, even if you've made friends in a new city, you may still miss old friends. But that's okay. The most important thing is to do what you can to reach it.