Lack Of Motivatement? Experts Call Welas Asih Exercises On Yourself Can Awaken Enthusiasm

JAKARTA - When motivation is lost when you want to start or complete a task, try to consider the possible reasons behind it. Then, make a plan to motivate yourself to start.

Maybe not all strategies are successful for everyone or in every situation. Do some follow-up behavioral experiments to see which strategy helps you the most to achieve the goal reported by Very Well Mind, Tuesday, November 14.

You may be able to deceive yourself into feeling motivated by changing behavior. Be as if you feel motivated and your actions may change emotions.

For example, instead of sitting on the sofa with my body all day waiting for motivation to emerge, it's better to dress neatly and move. You will slowly realize that taking action will increase motivation, making it easier to move forward.

When motivation is lost, you will most likely find a long list of reasons why you didn't take any action. You can think, 'It's going to be too difficult,' or, 'After all, I'll never finish it.' Thoughts like this will keep you stuck.

Try to think otherwise. When thinking will fail, debate all the reasons why you can succeed. Or when you feel unable to complete a job, make a list of all the evidence that shows that you are capable of completing the task.

You may think being tough on yourself is the key to getting motivation. But harsh self-criticism won't work. Research shows that affection for yourself is actually much more motivating, especially when you are struggling with difficulties.

A 2011 study conducted by researchers at the University of California found that compassion for oneself increases motivation to recover from failure. After failing in the exam, students spend more time learning when they talk to themselves in a friendly manner. In addition, researchers report greater motivation arises when a person practices self-acceptance practices (keys of compassion).

Self-care can also improve mental health (which can increase motivation). A 20122 study published in Clinical Psychology Review found that compassion for oneself reduces psychological stress, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduces the harmful effects of stress.

When you are afraid to do something, you will lack motivation to do it. However, you can reduce fear by proving to yourself that the task is not as bad as imagined. Or that you have the power to tolerate it better than you think.

A 10-minute rule can help you get started. Focus on doing what you thought was difficult for 10 minutes. When you reach the 10-minute limit, ask yourself if you want to continue or stop. You will find enough motivation to move forward.

Emotions play a major role in the level of motivation. If you are sad, bored, lonely, or anxious, the desire to overcome tough challenges or complete a boring task will be disrupted.

Increase your mood by adding a little fun to something that doesn't make you motivated. You will feel happier and even hope to do the task if you are often combined with something fun.

There are times when everyone struggles with motivational issues. However, the way you respond to lack of motivation is the most important. Be kind to yourself, experiment with strategies that increase motivation, then ask for help if you need it.