Russia's Response To Israel's Plan To Deploy Nuclear Bombs In Gaza

JAKARTA - Statements by Israeli ministers wishing to deliver nuclear bombs in Gaza's territory show the country has nuclear weapons despite refusing to confirm officially.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said the statement by the Minister of Heritage Amihai Eliyahu delivered to Israeli media clearly shows that all civilians in the Gaza Strip are threatened with nuclear weapons. Is this a threat of genocide?"

"There is no justification for such a statement and it is impossible to exist," he added.

Zakharova emphasized that this statement was made by a high-ranking official whose nation was proclaimed by the West as the only country with the best democracy in the Middle East.

"Considering Israel's policy uncertainty regarding nuclear arms possession, these statements not only clearly assert the country's nuclear weapons holding, but also show a willingness to seriously consider its possible use in completely inadequate scenarios," he said as reported by Anodalu, Sunday, November 12.

Zakharova said Eliyahu's statement was "a serious reason to think about where the Israeli extremist representatives are going, because they are allowed to do anything after feeling protected by the western bloc.

"The problem of creating a free zone for weapons of mass destruction and its means of delivery in the Middle East is becoming increasingly urgent and clear," he said.

Earlier some time ago, Eliyahu of far-right party member Otzma Baddi, told Israeli media that dropping a nuclear bomb' in the Gaza Strip was an option.

Israel has long refused to publicly acknowledge whether it owns nuclear weapons.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reluctant to comment on the statement and, according to media reports, the Israeli PM suspended Eliyahu from Cabinet meetings until further notice.