Don't Want Vocational High School Students To Be Unemployed, Riau Islands Education Office Will Change Departments That Don't Meet Company Needs

RIAU - The Riau Islands Province Education Office plans to replace several majors at Vocational High School (SMK) in accordance with the needs of companies in the regions."I have closed it if the majoring vocational school does not match the needs of companies in the regions, I just ask for a replacement. Because for what reason, if graduates have difficulty applying what they study at SMK," said Head of the Riau Islands Education Office Andi Agung in Batam, Antara, Thursday, November 2nd.In addition, to increase the absorption of vocational school graduates, his party also held a special work exchange (BKK).The goal is to distribute graduates from this vocational education to companies. Therefore, according to him, the accuracy of the department is very important with the needs of the company."For example, in Batam we need welders and tourism, this is what we provide vocational education. Because in Batam we really need it, so we prepare human resources (human resources)," he said.He said that currently vocational education in Batam is increasingly popular. This is because of more open and available job opportunities. In the future, he will continue to strive to hold meetings with stakeholders such as Kadin, the business world and industry to discuss this matter.In addition, his party is currently adding another SMK which is currently still under construction.
"This is our effort to meet the needs in Batam. In the future, we want these companies to go directly to school, when they need manpower. So immediately absorb all the vocational graduates. We will also select even tighter for the acceptance of prospective students at SMK, so that quality human resources can be born and can be immediately absorbed by the company," he said.