Prosecutors Examine Former Aceh Governor Irwandy Yusuf Regarding Plantation Corruption Cases

BANDA ACEH - Investigators from the Southwest Aceh District Attorney's Office examined former Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf regarding the investigation into alleged corruption in the management of state land for oil palm plantations illegally.

Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office, Ali Rasab Lubis, said Irwandi Yusuf was examined as a witness.

"The investigation is related to the licensing process for oil palm plantation company PT CA in 2007. At that time, Irwandi Yusuf served as Governor of Aceh," said Ali Rasab Lubis as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 2.

He said the former Aceh Governor was questioned in the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office in Banda Aceh. Investigators asked 35 questions regarding PT CA's plantation business license in 2007.

"In this case, investigators also asked for witness statements of more than 100 people. The handling of this case has been upgraded to the investigation stage. However, investigators have not yet named a suspect," he said.

He said investigators continue to work to find equipment and evidence. Including collaborating with the auditors to calculate state losses and the country's economy.

"For state losses, it is still under the calculation of the appointed auditor. Meanwhile, the estimated loss from the state economy is more than Rp. 1 trillion," said Ali Rasab Lubis.

Based on the results of the initial investigation, indications of state losses came from the illegal profit from the sale of palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) on state land with an area of 4,847.18 hectares.

In fact, the management of the land was only based on the recommendations of Committee B and Acting Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in 1990. Only based on these recommendations, PT CA freely manages state land for oil palm plantations.

Ali Rasab said PT CA is also a right to use business (HGU) voter with a permit issued in 1990. The company's HGU area reaches 7,516 hectares.

"However, in its management, PT CA does not carry out its obligation to preserve the environment of natural resources and carry out the obligation to build plasma gardens, causing state economic losses," said Ali Rasab Lubis.