DPR Angry To See Child Bullying Cases
JAKARTA - The Head of the News Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Indra Pahlevi, revealed that the leadership of the DPR has been furious at the case of child bullying that continues to occur in the country recently. Moreover, the increasing incidence of bullying after the Child Protection Law has been passed. "The DPR leadership is actually, if you may say angry, my language. How come there are still conditions like this today? Like an iceberg, maybe there will be one news, then other news will appear such as sexual violence," said Indra in the discussion The Role of Media in Handling Legislation to Children' in Yogyakarta, Friday, October 27, evening. According to him, one of the possible factors is related to awareness of millennial generation children, especially generation Z which has been distorted by various aspects from outside. Moreover, Indra said, the flow of information is so easy to access from a smartphone in this digital era. What was mentioned by Mr. Idham Samawi earlier, our awareness in the state, especially our children, is the millennial generation and especially generation Z. That is due to distortion or influence from many corners, parts of the world and so on. It affects events like this (Redence-Red), "explained Indra. Indra. Indra said, the Indonesian House of Representatives's Bureau often uses the issue of child bullying as a setting agenda in every editorial meeting. This was said by Indra as an ikhtiar so that the issue of child bullying is always a concern of all parties.
"Or Mr. Dede Yusuf, Deputy Chairman of Commission X also appealed to parents, the importance of attention and education factors in the family environment," added Indra.