Gibran Symbol Of Prabowo-Jokowi Reconciliation

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Gelora Party Fahri Hamzah said that the candidate for vice president (cawapres) from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), Gibran Rakabuming, was a symbol of reconciliation between the prospective presidential candidate (candidate) Prabowo Subianto and President Joko Widodo in the 2019 presidential election.

"Pak Prabowo wants to maintain his grand coalition as a defense or maintain reconciliation that occurred in 2019. So Mr. Prabowo's deputy is something that symbolizes the reconciliation that once existed between Pak Prabowo and Pak Jokowi," Fahri said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 26.

He said the figure of Gibran bagged categories representing reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo so that he was finally chosen as a candidate for vice president of KIM.

"If you don't take from the party, you can also get someone who can be endorsed or associated with him. Well, his party is PDIP, coincidentally Mas Gibran got both. So he is a PDIP cadre at the same time, he is also close to Pak Jokowi because he is the term biological and ideological child of Pak Jokowi, right, of course he will be supported," he said.

Fahri said that Gibran's name had been sticking out since the beginning in an internal discussion of KIM, even before the Constitutional Court (MK) issued a decision regarding the terms and age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates on Monday (16/10).

The approval of Gibran as a candidate for vice president from KIM, he continued, was even more stable after the Constitutional Court finally decided to partially grant the request for judicial review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates to be changed to 40 years old or have experience as regional heads.

"(The discussion) who is the representative, this is what we discussed for a long time, but lastly it led to an agreement that this must be a figure who actually represents reconciliation between Pak Prabowo and Pak Jokowi, and indeed Gibran's strongest candidate. Since then, Gibran's strongest candidate, only people see that there is a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court, whether he wins or not. So, win, so win," he said.

He is also optimistic that the public will support the idea of reconciliation with Gibran Rakabuming as his representation, as the results of the survey show that public support is reconciliation and sustainability.

"We are grateful that this reconciliation platform seems to be accepted by the public, that sustainability while maintaining unity is apparently accepted by the public, and that is what causes optimism in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition that the public will ultimately choose a middle ground, a path of reconciliation and this unity," he said.