TMII Security Fired By Management For Abusing Mobile Traders Has Been Reported To The Police

Encum, a woman traveling around TMII who was a victim of abuse by TMII security personnel, finally made an official report at the East Jakarta Metro Police.

"The victim has made a report. We have also post-mortem the victim," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leo Simarmata to VOI, Thursday, October 25.

Although mediation has been carried out, legal remedies continue. The victim has made a police report.

"Furthermore, we will also process it in accordance with the applicable law," he said.

For the perpetrator's actions with the initials AK, the police will later apply articles related to persecution.

"We will check whether (the article) 351 or 352 is in accordance with the results of the post-mortem. Meanwhile, (the examination) is only a victim witness, a reporting witness," he said.

The case of abuse experienced by a middle-aged woman traveling around the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) area, East Jakarta, has a long tail.

The East Jakarta Metro Police picked up the ball for handling cases after the incident surfaced on social media.