Google Add Hair And Foundation Colors In AR Kencatikan Technology
Google presents an interesting update in the world of beauty. By using augmented reality (AR) technology, buying cosmetics online is no longer a problem.
Although it is increasingly used, Google realizes that cosmetics are difficult to buy online. This happens because the needs of each user are different.
Apart from preference, determining the right habitat for skin tone is a challenge. The price of cosmetics is also not cheap, so many are afraid to buy online.
To solve this problem, Google is updating their AR beauty feature in the wholesaler. Now, prospective buyers don't need to be afraid to buy hair dyes and fashiondie-commerce.
Only by typing the color of the desired product, both hair coloring and FOUNDation, users can scroll the screen until they can see a product image with an on menutry.
After turning on the feature, users can directly direct the camera to the face while selecting the color available. While trying its color, Google will display a number description from each product.
In addition to helping potential buyers, Google also provides opportunities for all beauty brands to advertise with their AR. The reason is, users will try this feature through various embedded brands.
For example, users want to try Garnier hair dye. Just by looking for Garnier Hair Color in search engines, users can directly do on-try on the product displayed.
The same method applies to the search for ventures, lipsticks, andeyeshadow. Users can perform on-on-direct services to determine the right location.
Unfortunately, Google hasn't added aang lipstick and eyeshadow in the wholesalebrow. They plan to add these two options in the coming weeks.