Ministry Of Social Affairs: DKI Jakarta Social Assistance Recipients Recorded 213,945 Beneficiary Families

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) confirmed that the recipients of social assistance (bansos) in DKI Jakarta, in February 2022 based on data from the Ministry of Social Affairs were recorded at 213,945 Beneficiary Families (KPM).

Acting Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Supomo, revealed that the data was far below 1.1 million, which was stated in several news reports circulating by the DKI Jakarta Social Service (Dinsos).

Supomo detailed recipients of the basic food assistance of 138,428 KPM, assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) 4,682 KPM, and recipients of basic food assistance and PKH as much as 70,835 KPM (received two social assistance).

The Ministry of Social Affairs noted that during the period March 2021 to October 2023, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government carried out inspections five times. Meanwhile, other regions do it more often, almost every month they carry out inspections because each month the Social Minister's Decree is set to anticipate changes that occur, for example: PM dies.

Details of service by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, related to program assistance recipients: Basic Food 36,894 people, and PKH 44,705 people, and PBI 12,045 people.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs has never received a request for the implementation of Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) totaling 1,143,639 by the DKI Jakarta Social Service, as stated in the report. 984,633 people have been proposed for DTKS," explained Supomo.

Supomo said the Ministry of Social Affairs already has ISO 27001:2002 related to information security management systems and ISO 9001: 2015 certificates related to quality management, so that the Ministry of Social Affairs always follows established procedures, which in time will be audited regarding the implementation of Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS).

In Law number 13 of 2011 article 9 paragraphs 4 and 5 show the obligation of local governments to submit registration and data changes as referred to in paragraph 3 to the governor to be forwarded to the minister. Local governments can verify and validate registration and change as referred to in paragraph 3.

"In this case it is clear that changes, both additions and servicers, are proposals from the regions," said Supomo.

In Law No. 13 of 2011 article 8 paragraph 5 states that data verification and validation is carried out regularly at least once every 2 (two) years. However, because population data changes quickly, whether someone dies, changes domicile, baby is born, and so on, the Ministry of Social Affairs renews DTKS at least once a month.

Supomo said that the progress of the DTKS improvement carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs together with other Ministries / Agencies and Regional Governments throughout Indonesia so far, as follows: as many as 68,211,528 data has been put to sleep or off operations, amounting to 41,377,528 data has been corrected.

A total of 2,284,992 KPM recipients of Bansos have been neglected, and 21,072,271 new proposal data have been received, which has received social assistance as many as 15,294,921 people and those proposed to enter DTKS alone have reached 4,473,332 people.