Palestinian Demonstration At The Horse Statue, FPI Calls For "Free Palestine Without Conditions"

JAKARTA - Hundreds of mass peaceful acts of solidarity for mujahideen and Muslimin "Palestinian Calling" were held in the Horse Statue area, over Monas, Central Jakarta on Friday, October 13, afternoon.

FPI spokesman Aziz Yanuar confirmed that there was a peaceful demonstration. The mass of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) will certainly join this action.

"The demand is that Palestine be independent without conditions," he said when confirmed by VOI, Friday, October 13.

Participants of the action attended from various elements of Muslims, FPI will also attend to hundreds of members.

"A total of 500 FPI members attended," he said.

The Palestinian defense action was also held in front of the United States (US) Embassy Office on Wednesday, October 11. They staged a Palestinian defense action in the aftermath of an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip.