Knowing Different Skincare Functions That Are Hydrating And Melembating, Did You Know?
YOGYAKARTA Both types of skincare claims, which hydrate and moisturize the skin, turn out to be different ways of working. The moisturizer functions to lock the humidity by forming a barrier and keeping the skin soft. If the hydrator is able to absorb the humidity of the air or the skin to keep it trapped.
Skincare that hydrates and moisturizes, both are important for skin care. Hydrating the skin is the same as hydrating the body. This is needed for all skin types, including oily skin. There are so many products with the label hydrate the skin', the shape is cream and gel. While moisturizers, scientifically the types include emoulene (fat and oil), squalene (oil), humectan, and occlusive.
"Hidrators and moisturizers are marketing terms and can be determined by brands according to their wishes," said Perry Romanowski, a cosmetics chemical and co-founder of The Beauty Brains.
Hydrating the skin with water, it might be done. But the more often you wash your face using water, the more moisturizing the skin. While using oil-based moisturizers, including occlusive substances, such as petroleum, mineral oil, emolienes or plant oils will also make the skin feel smoother and less dry.
"Hidrators are materials called humectants, such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid, which absorb water from your atmosphere or skin and hold it on your skin," explains Romanowski.
Because the two are different, it is important to realize how each type of skincare works. If what you choose is wrong, it can disturb the health of the skin even though the goal is the same. It is important to know, most skin lotions contain occlusive materials and emolienes as well as humectant materials. So that both of them can moisturize at the same time. This means that in addition to paying attention to the shape of the product, pay attention to the ingredients contained.
If the skin is naturally dry throughout the year and tends to peel, it's most likely not due to weather-related dehydration. But maybe your skin needs moisturizer to maintain its moisture. For that, choose a thick emolient moisturizer to help prevent water from getting out of the skin.
If the skin is really dry, Romanowski explains, maybe it needs to use petroleum jelly which works well to overcome skin complaints. You can also choose shea butter, soybean oil, or canola oil. Well, skincare that hydrates the skin includes serums that contain hyaluronic acid. In addition, drink enough water, and if the skin is oily using hydrators and moisturizers made from water and non-medogenics that do not clog the pores.