Getting To Know Breathing Engineering In Singing And Mandatory Vocal Engineering

YOGYAKARTA - A singer is not only obliged to master vocal engineering, but is also required to be able to breathe. Only armed with good vocals without mastering the right way of breathing, the singer will easily feel tired and his voice is not controlled. So what are the breathing techniques in singing that must be learned and mastered?

It is common knowledge in the world of singing that breathing techniques have an important role. As many seconds as a singer's heat drag can have a big effect on the sound released. When singing, a singer needs a lot of air to enter and come in through the lungs.

So it is very natural when there is a novice singer who is required to train breathing. There are several breathing techniques in singing that must be mastered.

When a singer does not yet master breathing techniques, then she cannot sing smoothly and optimally. Some conditions that can occur due to untrained breathing are easy to miss when singing, easy fatigue, until the sound is out of control.

Therefore, a singer must master the following breathing techniques:

Chest breathing is the process of taking or inserting air into the lungs and flowing it to the top of the body. This type of breathing is often referred to as shallow breath and is often used when singing songs in low notes. However, singers who use technique often run out of breath faster when singing.

Stomach breathing is usually used to produce harder or louder sounds. This breathing technique is done by taking air into the lungs and inserting it into the stomach cavity, then holding it until the stomach expands.

Diaphragm breathing techniques are often considered as the best breathing technique for singers. In this breathing technique, the singer can take more air so that it makes breathing longer and better control. In the breathing of the diaphragm, the air can be controlled consciously by the surrounding diaphragm and muscles.

When the diaphragm tightens and contracts, the stomach and chest cavities become looser. This allows the air volume to persist and pressure to decrease, so that air can enter the lungs more than the previous two types of breathing.

There are several vocal techniques in singing that a singer must master. Here are some types of vocal techniques:

Frasering is a vocal technique used to regulate the deletion of sentences so that the sentence singer can be heard clearly. In addition, the deletion of this sentence must be in accordance with the rules that have been set.

Articulation is a vocal technique by expressing words clearly and in detail and clearly. With good artificialization, the audience can easily listen to every word sung.

Intonation is a vocal technique with a high setting of accurate or precise tones. With good intonation, the sound issued is pleasing to the ear.

Body attitude is also important in the vocal technique of the singer. With the right attitude of the body, breathing can run smoothly. This will affect the quality of the sound produced. The right attitude of the body can be applied when standing or sitting in the right position.

Such is the review of breathing techniques in singing and vocal techniques that must be mastered. Singers need to master these two techniques so that their careers can skyrocket and shine.

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