The 2023 DKI Revised APBD Set At IDR 81.58 Trillion

JAKARTA - The 2023 revised regional income and expenditure budget (APBD) was determined by the DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Budget Agency and the DKI Jakarta Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) at IDR 79.529 trillion.

Meanwhile, the 2023 DKI APBD was originally set at IDR 81.58 trillion. This was stated by the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD who is also the Chair of the DKI Jakarta Banggar DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi at a meeting on Tuesday, September 19.

"Based on the results of the meeting between the DKI DPRD budget body and the executive, the draft changes to the APBD for the 2023 fiscal year amounting to IDR 79.529 trillion were approved," said Prasetyo.

After being agreed at the DKI DPRD Banggar meeting, the decision will be brought to a plenary meeting to seek approval from all members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

Next, the DKI Provincial Government will input budget changes together with the commission leadership on the Draft Regional Regulation on changes to the APBD for the 2023 fiscal year, including adjusting account codes, adjusting analysis of spending standards, and adjusting activity indicators.

In the 2023 APBD changes, five commissions in the DPRD submitted recommendations as a result of discussions with work partner SKPDs and deepening of the DPRD Budget Agency together with TAPD.

Commission A, in one of its recommendations, asked the DKI Provincial Government to immediately pay the salary shortfall for other individual service providers (PJLP) so that it is in line with the provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2023.

"Commission A recommends that the DKI Provincial Government immediately realize the long-delayed salary increase for other service workers. "As we know, increasing the PJLP salary is a commitment of the DKI Provincial Government in accordance with the governor's decision number 1153 of 2022 concerning the Provincial Minimum Wage which was signed by the Acting Governor, amounting to IDR 4,901,798 in December 2022," said DKI DPRD Commission A Secretary Karyatin Subiyantoro.

Then, one of Commission B's recommendations is to encourage the provincial government to be more optimal in overcoming problems related to the lack of cheap food distribution points in each region. This is because many residents have to queue for hours before the food subsidy activity even opens.

"Responding to the problem of distributing food aid by the DKI Jakarta Provincial government to underprivileged Jakarta residents, Commission B recommends that the food aid distribution system be returned to its original state so that there are no long queues at the sub-district offices," said Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Jakarta Ismail.

Furthermore, Commission C in one of its recommendations recommended increasing the ground water tax (PAT) as an effort to prevent land subsidence that continues to take place in the DKI Jakarta area.

"Commission C of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD recommends to the executive to consider and propose a two- or three-fold increase in the current groundwater tax in order to control and maintain environmental quality," said Chairman of Commission C of the DKI DPRD, Habib Muhammad bin Salim Alatas.

Commission D recommended that the Provincial Government immediately realize the public's request regarding additional lighting on a number of roads in Jakarta in accordance with the results of the DKI Jakarta DPRD recess.

"Therefore, it is necessary to increase allocations in several sub-districts of the Bina Marga Service in this change process to ensure that the community's aspirations can be realized while still paying attention to sufficient time for implementation," explained Chairman of Commission D DPRD DKI Ida Mahmudah.

Commission E then asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to focus on the impact of air pollution by providing vitamins and distributing masks to protect against exposure to air pollution which currently threatens the safety of vulnerable age groups, one of which is children.

"Encouraging the provision of vitamins and masks for the education sector to overcome Jakarta's bad air pollution by increasing and providing a budget for this," said Chairman of Commission E DPRD DKI Iman Satria.