1 Kg Of Methamphetamine From Riau Was Destroyed By The Police In Jambi

The Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) Police, Jambi Province, destroyed more than one kilogram of methamphetamine belonging to an interprovincial narcotics dealer who was arrested in the area when they were about to transact with a courier in Jambi City.

"The Tanjung Jabung Barat Police Narcotics Investigation Unit (Tanjabbar) has destroyed one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine belonging to suspects Satria alias Peri and Winarno alias Wiwin, which is a cross-provincial dealer," said Tanjabbar Police Chief AKBP Padli, in Kuala Tungkal, Tanjabbar, Thursday.

The destruction was carried out after the police received approval from prosecutors and court judges and only a few grams remained as evidence for the trial process later. The destruction was carried out at the Police Headquarters in a blended manner mixed with water, the general was then thrown into the water channel.

The case was revealed after the two suspects Satria and Winarno were about to transact drugs weighing one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine which was brought by land by the suspect Satria using a bus from Riau to Jambi.

The results of the investigation of the illicit goods came from the city of Medan which was sent by bus to Pekanbaru, Riau and then taken by the suspect Satria and met Winarno in Jambi.

The arrests of the two perpetrators were carried out on 27 May 2023 on Jalan Lintas Jambi - Riau Km 136 to be precise in front of one of the restaurants, Port Dagang Village, Tungkal Ulu District, West Tanjung Jabung Regency. The confession of the two suspects that their action was the first time.

"When we arrested the two of them, they did not fight back and evidence of methamphetamine in clear plastic packages and after weighing it reached 1045.87 grams or more than one kilogram. So that this evidence was not misused, it was destroyed and only 18.93 grams remained for the sake of proving the case at trial," said the Police Chief.