The Attorney General's Office Names 3 Corruption Suspects For The MBZ Toll Road In The Ex-Director Of JJC
JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes at the Attorney General's Office have named three suspects in the alleged corruption case of the construction of the Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road for the Cikunir to West Karawang or MBZ sections.
The three suspects are Yudhi Mahyudin (YM) as Chair of the JJC Auction Committee, Toni Budianto Sihige (FFB) as a bridge expert at PT LAPI Ganesatama Consulting, and Djoko Dwijono (DD) as the President Director of PT Jasamarga Jalan Layang Cikampek (JJC) for the 2016-2020 period.
"Today, seven witnesses have been examined. Of these seven witnesses, the Directorate of Investigation of Jampidsus has named three suspects," said Head of the Legal Information Center of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedan at the Roundabout building, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 13.
Long before determining the three suspects, investigators had already named one suspect in the obstruction case of the investigation with the initials IBN so that there were four suspects in this case as a whole.
"Until now, we have named four suspects, who used to have one suspect in this case," said Ketut.
The Director of Investigation at Jampidsus, the Attorney General's Office, Kuntadi, explained that his party had pocketed two sufficient pieces of evidence in determining the three suspects.
In this case, investigators have examined 146 witnesses and a series of other investigative actions, including searches and seizures in several places.
"We found at least two pieces of evidence that we considered sufficient and so on today we have named three witnesses as suspects," said Kuntadi.
This alleged corruption case was revealed because in the implementation of the procurement of work, it was suspected that there was an act against the law of evil conspiracy to regulate the specifications of the goods in question in order to benefit certain parties. This act has harmed state finances based on the results of the calculation while investigators reached Rp1.5 trillion.
The role of each suspect, namely DD as the President Director of PT Jasamarga Jalan Layang Jakarta Cikampek (JJC) together against the law, determined that the winner of the tender (project) had previously been specifically set to benefit certain parties.
Then the suspect YM as the Chairman of the JJC Auction Committee unlawfully participated in disclosing the procurement that had been determined by the winning company.
"And brother TBS as an expert is suspected of participating in compiling an image of the final engineering plan or DED (detail engineering design) in which there is a reduction in specifications or volume," explained Kuntadi.
The suspects are suspected of having violated the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
For the purposes of the investigation, the suspects will be detained for the next 20 days. DD is being held at the Salemba Rutan at the Attorney General's Office, while FFB and YM are being held at the Salemba Rutan at the South Jakarta District Attorney.
Previously, the Attorney General's Office suspected that there was an unlawful act in the form of a conspiracy in regulating the winner of the auction in the construction work of the Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road with a contract value of up to IDR 13 trillion.
Since March 2023, the investigative team has raised the status of investigations into cases of alleged corruption in the construction work of the Jakarta Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road to the Cikunir Section to West Karawang, including the on/off ramp on the Cikunir and West Karawang Interchange with a contract value of IDR 13,530,786,800,000.
In the implementation of the procurement, it is suspected that there was an unlawful act in the form of a conspiracy in regulating the winner of the auction that benefits certain parties so that the act is indicated to be detrimental to state finances.
On May 16, 2023, the Attorney General's Office has named one suspect in the case of alleged obstruction to the investigation into the Cikampek II Elevated Jakarta Toll Road project to the Cikunir section to West Karawang.
The suspect with the initials IBN as a retired BUMN PT Waskita Karya allegedly influenced the witnesses not to provide actual information, directing witnesses not to submit the documents needed by investigators.