Dutch Consumers Association and Privacy Protection Foundation Sue Google for Privacy Infringement

JAKARTA - The Dutch consumer association Consumentenbond together with the Privacy Protection Foundation filed a lawsuit against Google on Tuesday 12 September for alleged large-scale privacy violations. This was revealed in a statement from the association.

The two groups are demanding that Google, which is part of Alphabet Inc, stop "constant surveillance and sharing of personal data through online advertising auctions" and pay 750 euros (IDR 12.3 million) in damages "to each consumer who has used Google services" .

The statement said that as many as 82,000 people had joined the lawsuit for damages since the groups announced the legal action in May 2023. Google did not immediately respond to media requests for comment.

This case adds to the series of problems Google is facing with institutions or governments. In the US itself, Google is being sued for allegedly paying browser manufacturers to prioritize them and prevent other search engine competitors from developing.