Note, These Are The Requirements For Recipients Of 10 Kg Of Rice Social Assistance, Check Your Name On The Ministry Of Social Site

YOGYAKARTA The government has started distributing social assistance in the form of 10 kilograms of rice (kg), chicken meat, and eggs. The distribution itself began today, Monday, September 11, 2023 and was given to people who meet the predetermined criteria. Then, what are the requirements for receiving 10 kg of rice social assistance?

Quoted from the Indonesia good website, food social assistance in the form of rice will only be given to people who meet the requirements or criteria, namely being included in the KPM family group whose names have been recorded in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) at the Ministry of Social Affairs. The four groups are as follows.

Please note, the distribution of social assistance has a different method depending on the region. However, in general, the distribution is carried out through local governments or through PT Pos Indonesia. Some are channeled through village and sub-district officials.

The recipients of the aid will be asked to come to a location that has been determined by the local government. Social assistance recipients must bring their original KTP, but can be represented by a family member with proof of their ID card and family card (KK). Taking it yourself can only be done by members in one family member as a representative.

The public can check whether their names are registered as recipients of social assistance from the Government. Checks on recipients of social assistance are carried out online, namely as follows.

Apart from the Ministry of Social Affairs' Check Bansos website, people can check through the Cek Bansos application. This application can be downloaded via the App Store and Play Store. If you want to check through the application, people are required to download first. After download, you can follow the following method.

That's information regarding the requirements for receiving 10 kg of rice social assistance. visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.