Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Sudomo Calls Press Educating In Today's Memory, September 8, 1990

JAKARTA Memories of today, 33 years ago, September 8, 1990, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menkopolkam), Sudomo said that the New Order's studies led the press to educate. He revealed this in an interview broadcast by Tempo Magazine.

Sudomo instead asked the press to be bolder, not to be afraid of being hit by a circular. Previously, the New Order government often intervened to relax control of the mass media. The owner of power did not want the New Order to be skewed.

Caring for an image is everything for the New Order. He considered this positive image capable of keeping national stability maintained. The narrative was realized by the presence of the Security and Order Recovery Command (Kopkambtib). The institution was given a special task to perpetuate the control of the mass media.

Therefore, the matter of freedom of the press is a desire that has never become real in Indonesia. The owner of power never wants the New Order to be labeled bad. New Order likes to only be reported in one condition: contains a positive image.

Whoever rejects the Order of the New Order, get ready to get the sap. New Order will exercise media control and education. The effort was shown in the 1970s.

The New Order carried out stubbornness to seven national media. Among others, Tempo Magazine, Kompas Daily, Sinar Harapan, Merdeka, Pelita, The Indonesian Times, and Sinar Pagi. The movement further shows the ulcers of the New Order government.

A ulcer that asserts that the government is being repressive. The government refuses to lose. This attitude is considered necessary to be perpetuated because the press is "starting" out of control. Much of the news published is considered misleading by the New Order. Instead of making Indonesia develop, the existing news actually disrupts national stability.

"As of the end of January 1978, press freedom has grown almost uncontrollably. This condition brings danger to the dynamic stability of the national. If it is little more allowed to develop, it will almost pose a danger to the safety of the nation and state".

"It is not fun for the government to temporarily ban the issuance of a number of media. But here we are not faced with an option of happy and unhappy, but the only option for the safety of the nation and state, as well as the interest in developing a press that is free and responsible," said Suharto in the 32nd Anniversary of PWI in 1978 as quoted by St. Sularto in the book Sumur No End: Traces of Jakob Oetama's (2011) Step.

The narrative of the New Order government, the mass media, also surfaced. Many mass media, especially print media who do not want to deal with New Order. This condition made the press only contain good news related to the New Order.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Sudomo also realized this. However, he has other views. Sudomo considers the press to be less daring. Sudomo considers the government's strategy to perpetuate media control with sensors everywhere that are obsolete.

He also wanted the mass media to throw criticism at the government again. Even if the education is carried out, then the effort is only a scope of education, not punishment. He revealed the statement in an interview published by Tempo Magazine, September 8, 1990.

"Our press is not brave enough. As long as it is based on sharp facts and analysis, yes, it may be written an event. Communication issues are important. In fact, with this disclosure, it is easier to find information, our press wong is fine, really. As long as we don't intend to bring down the government, don't be afraid. Regarding education, right now there is no Kopkamtib.

Earlier (if there was an education) it was only educating its nature. At best after two weeks the permit for publication has been given again. Because of our stability, the culture of censorship and the culture of telephones against the outdated mass media, it must be eliminated according to the development trilogy: dynamic, steady, and safe. People need not be afraid to express opinions anymore. If you are afraid, yes, the pseudo stability is the name. No one was arrested for talking. My Moto is the power for persuasion and persuasion for strength," explained Soedomo as quoted by Andy Reza Rohadian and Bambang Sujatmoko. Tempo Magazine report entitled Pers We lacked Dare (1990).