Not Wanting To Be A Political Drama, PAN Calls PKB's Departure Bringing Kindness To KIM

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) considers that the departure of the National Awakening Party (PKB) from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) does not need to be a protracted drama. PAN actually believes that there will be good things from the issuance of PKB from the coalition supporting Prabowo Subianto."If you want to separate, it's normal. There's no need to regret it, there's no need to make mistakes. In fact, you can't spend time discussing the incident," said PAN DPP chairman Saleh Partaonan Daulay in his statement, Thursday, September 7.Saleh also appealed to the pro-P Prabowo coalition not to feel betrayed by PKB. According to him, the departure of PKB which has stated that joining NasDem could make the coalition even more solid."KIM does not need to feel betrayed, there is no need to feel wronged. Because, it could be that the departure of PKB actually brings goodness to KIM. At the very least, the coalition will be more solid and combined. Or there could be additional new members," said Saleh.The chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR also appealed to political party cadres of KIM members not to participate in polemics related to the departure of PKB."If observers and the public want to discuss it, go ahead. However, cadres of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition party should not participate in polemics. There are no benefits and benefits," said Saleh.According to Saleh, before officially registering the Paslon presidential and vice presidential candidates at the KPU, anything could still happen. In fact, he said, PKB could still return to KIM's lap."Who knows, the time to register is still long, shifts can still occur. Therefore, there is no need to blame it," said Saleh.
"As members of the coalition in the government, isn't PKB also a brother. You are filling in and continuing the achievements of President Jokowi in the last 10 years," he added.