Pekanbaru City Government Collapses Former Burned MPP Building
PekanBARU - Pekanbaru City Government plans to knock down the Main Building of the Public Service Mall (MPP) in the past two weeks as part of the demolition process after the fire in March 2023.
"In this week or two, the MPP building that caught fire will soon be torn down," said Pekanbaru Mayor, Muflihun, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 4.
He said, before the demolition of the main building at the Pekanbaru MPP Complex, it must be completed first to remove its assets. He also made sure it was already running.
According to him, there is a plan that the location of the former main MPP Pekanbaru building will become a city square that is connected to the Green Open Space of Mayang Glass. However, this will be discussed with various elements of society in public dialogue.
"We will discuss it with Pekanbaru City community leaders, we will arrange the development plan," he explained.
Furthermore, a new service building will be built in the Pekanbaru MPP Complex to replace the function of the burning main building. There are plans to position the new service building near building C.
The Pekanbaru City Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office is currently designing the building. The results of this design will also be discussed in public dialogue so that it can be discussed.
Pemko lanjut dia juga akan membahas rencana ini bersama DPRD Kota Pekanbaru untuk proses penggaran. "Kami akan bahas, setelah itu bakal ditentukan modelnya seperti apa," ujarnya.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Pekanbaru One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPM-PTSP), Akmal Khairi assessed that the Pekanbaru MPP should be built in locations that are easily accessible to the public. Because it is a one-door service that allows people to access a number of licensing and non-permission services.
"The location is not yet known. Whether in the former building it caught fire or shifted back. The Acting Mayor will invite all figures, both from academics, community leaders, whether in the same position or slightly shifted," he said.