BPBD Temanggung Supply Clean Water To 13 Drought Villages
TEMANGGUNG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Temanggung Regency, Central Java during the dry season until early September 2023 has supplied clean water assistance to 13 villages spread across 10 sub-districts.
The Head of BPBD Temanggung Regency, Toifur Hadi, said that of the 13 villages, 33 had to receive clean water assistance.
A number of these locations must receive clean water assistance because the water sources in the area have dried up.
He said that of the nine sub-districts, at most there were points that had to receive water assistance, namely Kranggan District, consisting of Ngropoh Village and Gentan Village with a total of 10 points.
In Ngropoh Village, there are four points, namely Belisan, Cikalan, Joho, and Dukuh hamlets, while in Gentan Village it consists of Gentan Hamlet, Suruh, Wonogiri, Sejara, Setro, and Kalimayung.
He said the clean water assistance was not only distributed to the general public, but also to schools.
A number of schools that need clean water assistance include SDN 2 Kembangsari, Kaloran District, SDN 2 Jetis and SDN 1 Tanggulanom, Selopampang District, SMPN 3 Bulu, and MI Darut Thulab, Tembarak District.
The number of areas that must receive clean water assistance during this dry season continues to grow.
Therefore, his party will coordinate with a number of other agencies.
"Yesterday we coordinated with PMI and were able to supply water in drought areas and in the future we will also coordinate with PDAM," he said.